South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (SGS), Stroud Campus, have been celebrating some amazing GCSE and BTEC results and success stories today.

SGS Learner Bear Rooley, received a Distinction Star (DS*) in Level 2 Animal Management, alongside her GCSE result in English (8).

Bear was over the moon with these results after struggling in mainstream education due to mental health issues.

The pastoral care, tuition and extra support offered at SGS was a significant factor in helping Bear make the decision to come to College and continue her education. Stroud News and Journal: Bear Rooley

She said: “The best part of the course is the people.  

"I couldn’t have got through it without the help and support of Rhys (Animal Management Tutor and Vocational Team Leader) and the other people on the course. I would recommend coming here to anyone and am really looking forward to progressing onto the Level 3 BTEC Foundation Diploma Animal Management.” 

Vocational Learning Area Manager, George James said: We have had some really excellent results this year.

"SGS College offer a different environment to learners who may not succeed in a mainstream environment, it has been really rewarding to see the learners’ achievements today.

"I am very proud of the students and the team.”

SGS 14-16 GCSE learner, Jamie Haslam joined the 14-16 GCSE Plus Programme after being home-schooled until the age of 14.

Today Jamie was delighted to be awarded a Double 8 in Combined Science, 6 in Higher Maths and 5 in History and English.

Stroud News and Journal: Jamie Haslam

He said: My experience at SGS has been extremely positive.

"The extra support I received in the classroom and throughout the exam process helped me get the results I hoped for.

"I’m looking forward to going on to study a BTEC in Engineering and then gaining an apprenticeship.” 

SGS offer a two year course for 14-16 year olds, who have elected to home educate and have been deregistered from a school for a minimum of 6 months. This programme has proven to be popular, positive and effective with students – reflecting their preference for study within a mature learning environment.

Level 2 Bricklaying students and their yutor, Charles Smith, were also celebrating results at SGS Stroud Campus today.

Max Hannan and Will Bowers received a Distinction and Morgan Lyle a Merit 

Charlie, Bricklaying Tutor, said: They have all worked extremely hard and I am so proud of their results today.

"I’m looking forward to hearing what they choose to do next and wish them every luck in the future”

SGS Adult learners were also joining in the celebrations as they received their English and Maths GCSE results.

Don Wilde was elated to achieve his English GCSE today after years of lacking confidence in education.

After relocating to the South West from Scotland, Don discovered a love of sport and personal training and decided to attend evening classes to gain English and Maths qualifications to help support his future career ambitions.

He said: The best thing about SGS College is the support you receive from the tutors and wellbeing staff. Having not had a positive experience at school, I was apprehensive about coming back into an education environment.

Stroud News and Journal: Don Wilde

"SGS proved to me that learning can be positive and fun and I’m so glad I chose this new path.”

Don is now looking to progress onto Personal Training Level 3 at SGS Wise Campus and is excited for the future. 

Grace Shearers, also attended the GCSE evening course, attributed her success to the SGS College Exams Team who went above and beyond to help her deal with her exam anxiety, including one-on-one exam invigilation, access arrangements and exam rest breaks.

Grace is going on to study an Access course in Humanities and Social Science and then has aspirations of studying a Degree in Egyptology at university.

Stroud News and Journal: Grace Shearers

Although many will be delighted with their results, for those who perhaps did not gain the grades they hoped for, the college's dedicated team of staff are on hand to offer support and advice.

They  will be holding late applicant information, advice & guidance (Late IAG) Sessions from Thursday 24 August to Friday 15 September, 9.30am - 4pm.

To book a face-to-face interview session, please visit