Stroud MP Siobhan Baillie says she is pushing Department for Education officials to ensure Marling School receives temporary classrooms as quickly as possible following a small amount of RAAC being found on site.

Siobhan visited the school last week to meet with head Glen Balmer and be updated on the situation with Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete. 

She was told the school needs two temporary classrooms to ease space and logistical pressures following the closure of its DIT classrooms.

It remains fully open and is delivering the curriculum but the temporary classrooms are a priority.

The MP told the head she will speak to the DfE this week and she followed up in the Education Select Committee on Tuesday when the Minister and the top education civil servant were questioned about RAAC.

She told the committee: “Schools and parents want to see action.

"Temporary classrooms are going to be the lightning rod – they are measurable. 

“Marling School in my patch has the whole of the DT classes out - that’s equipment heavy, that’s a huge impact on the school. 

“They know they just need two temporary classrooms, they need the greenlight from the department – they even know the amount of money, which is low numbers given what you are dealing with elsewhere.

“Is it the case that the department is ‘computer says no’ or is this something we can do as MPs with the caseworkers to make that case and just get things done quickly because fixing the roof at the DIT at Marling will take a number of years.

“I think we can get this done and you can get me off your books as well.”

Speaking afterwards, Siobhan added: “The Minister and the Permanent Secretary at the committee hearing were clear that they wanted children in classrooms as soon as possible but there were issues with placing temporary structures at schools in some cases.

“I understand that but I will continue to ensure the pressure remains on the department and I have written to the project manager following my exchange in Parliament.

"I will work to secure what Marling students need as soon as possible.”