STROUD MP has welcomed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's 'pragmatism' following his recent net zero announcements. 

A raft of changes impacting how the Government plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address other environmental concerns including air pollution were been outlined by the Prime Minister on Wednesday.  

Speaking in Downing Street, Rishi Sunak outlined a 'new approach to achieving net zero', having accused previous governments of trying to reach net zero 'simply by wishing it', and warning that sticking with the status quo on climate pledges would 'risk losing the consent of the British people'.

Changes include delaying the ban on new petrol and diesel cars until 2035 and scrapping policies forcing landlords to upgrade the energy efficiency of their properties. 

Mr Sunak also suggested that the ambition to phase out the installation of new gas boilers by 2035 will be weakened. 

Stroud News and Journal:

He did however say that the commitment to reach net zero by 2050 remains in place. 

Stroud MP Siobhan Baillie said: "I’ve consistently argued that it will be technology and people who drive us to meet the 2050 target, not virtue signalling or government dictat.

"I welcome the Prime Minister's pragmatism and how he is prepared to challenge such an important issue.

"People in rural areas like Stroud, the Valleys and Vale have been really worried about car and boiler bans.

"A lot of our housing stock will not take heat pumps or they are just not suitable, too expensive and the technology is not quite there.

"I also just cannot get on board with some of the shouting because the government has now harmonised the new petrol/diesel car ban with the EU and other countries to 2035.

"The PM is ambitious on this.

"He wants to meet the 2050 target but also wants to limit costs for the public.

"All he has done is insert stepping stones to make net zero easier to manage for busy, stretched families and businesses here and around the country.

"Quicker planning and grid connections for renewable energy projects is good news.

"The one area I would like the PM to act is on Hydrogen ICE technology.

"We have companies here in Stroud at the forefront of this like BorgWarner PHINIA.

"The government needs to do more and I am speaking with ministers."