A PERSONAL trainer from Stroud is opening a new gym with a twist.

James Hilton, who is a specialist in biomechanics and injury recovery, will be opening the virtual doors to Jim’s Gym – an online ‘space’ supporting people over 55 to lead a more active life.

Launched on National Fitness Day, Jim’s Gym will offer subscribers the opportunity to train with James, following his short fitness videos uploaded weekly/monthly, to either become more active or to help maintain an active lifestyle. 

This year’s theme for National Fitness Day is “Your Health is for Life”, which aims to encourage people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to engage in the physical and mental benefits of being active. 

He said: “I have trained extensively with a brilliant company called Faster Function where I have honed my skills in programming and exercise design and now focus on working with people to get the most out of everyday life. 

“My journey has led me to almost exclusively work with older adults which I love.

"I find this age group wonderful to work with, especially people getting started with a new fitness regime as this is when they will see the most difference.

"Seeing people do things they never thought possible is just wonderful. 

Stroud News and Journal: Personal trainer James Hilton launches virtual gym

"I also pride myself on making exercise accessible and enjoyable.”

James had a career in sales and marketing based in London and travelled the world. However, he then experienced a long period of unhappiness which led him to abandon all exercise in order to meet the demands of his job.

The impact of that period eroded his confidence and took a toll on his mental health as well as impacting his partner and first child.

After quitting a sales and marketing job based in London, he went travelling with his family to New Zealand and Bali. 

He said: “While away, I started to go running and get back to exercising for fun, and I remembered how much my fitness had meant to me and I’d lost sight of that.

"As my family and I began to heal from an unhappy time, I asked myself if I could help others through fitness?” 

Supported by his family, James moved back to the Stroud where he grew up and qualified as a personal trainer and started rapidly building his own business. 

That was four years ago, and his next adventure is the opening of Jim’s Gym – an online fitness subscription service with a focus on inspiring older adults to be more active to remain healthy and independent for longer.

To learn more about about Jim’s Gym visit https://tinyurl.com/3ktfz5z4