More wildfires

I AM sure that readers will wish to congratulate Councillor David Drew on raising awareness of the dangers of climate change and the need to prepare defence plans.

The article mentions flooding at one end of the climate spectrum which primarily effects only those living near rivers and on flood plains.

However, at the other end of the spectrum, we must also prepare for more frequent spells of hot weather, which can directly or indirectly be a danger to everyone and place in the county through outbreaks of wildfires. This is a subject that also calls for strategic planning, perhaps as an extension to the proposed agenda.

At the centre of such a plan will be the need to consider adequate supplies of fire-fighting water.

Whilst the fire brigade ensures the provision of hydrants on public water supply mains, these can only be considered for ordinary fires in mostly urban areas.

Rural areas are not so covered.

Therefore, it is essential to identify and conserve other sources, such as rivers, canals, mill ponds, etc.

An example of a preventable risk being considered by Forestry England at the moment is the draining of the Cannop Ponds in the Forest of Dean, albeit as a flood safety measure as the earth dams do not meet Reservoir Safety Act standards.

I hope that the local authorities and other relevant infrastructure agencies will agree to plan accordingly.

Anthony R Burton
