STROUD MP Siobhan Baillie met with a member of a transportation group following recent calls which were put forward to improve passenger facilities at Cam and Dursley railway station.

This month the inadequate provision of shelter for passengers at the station was raised by David Smith of the transportation group.

Siobhan Baillie met with Mr Smith on Friday to discuss improved facilities for rail passengers, before she took a visit to the station to see the situation for herself.

The station is the only one in the district with direct access to Bristol but its facilities have not been improved since it opened in 1994.

Stroud News and Journal: Stroud MP Siobhan Baillie plus David Smith from the Cam and Dursley Transportation Group at the

There are only two metal shelters and no waiting rooms or toilets, while passengers have complained the shelters are too small for everyone to use when it is raining, meaning many must brave the elements.

The MP said: "I thank David for taking the time to meet with me and go through a range of transport issues, including the shelters at the station.

"I can see why the existing shelters have been designed for the space but I think just a modest investment would do wonders and reflect the increased popularity of the station.  

"I am happy to use my reach in Westminster to talk to the Department for Transport and with Network Rail and GWR to see what can be done."

A Great Western Railway spokesperson previously told the SNJ that there were no planned improvements to the station. 

They said: "All planned improvements require bids for funding, from Network Rail, GWR the DfT and often local partners, for example the councils.

"We operate trains to over 280 stations, and manage and maintain a little over 200 of them ourselves. 

"All improvements have to be evaluated and prioritised to benefit the greatest number of people while providing value for money for the taxpayer. 

"We fund and support the Gloucestershire Community Rail Partnership, who are active with the local community around Cam & Dursley.

"GCRP hopes to develop a community art project with the aim of brightening up the station, and has been delivering a connecting new communities scheme, helping local communities to give their views on planning proposals, especially in relation to transport links.

"We would also welcome community groups to get in touch to become station adopters, helping to enhance the station through the likes of gardening projects."