STROUD TOWN Council is calling on businesses and organisations to join a campaign to end violence against women and girls.

The White Ribbon Promise is a public commitment to ending men's violence against women and girls.

To raise awareness of the campaign the Town Council has enlisted the help of street artist Zed to create a mural in Union Street.

The piece of street art reads ‘White Ribbon Day’ and there is space for individuals to add their own White Ribbon motif. 

Passers-by have been responding and using the available paint to add their support.

Zed was one of the artists involved in the street art workshops held for young people over the summer.

Stroud News and Journal: New mural outside Market Tavern in Stroud as part of White Ribbon Day . New mural outside Market Tavern in Stroud as part of White Ribbon Day . (Image: Newsquest)The Town Council is also holding a drop-in session tomorrow (November 25) from 10am until noon at Thanet House, 58 London Road, Stroud.

All are welcome to come and find out more about supporting White Ribbon campaign.

Stroud businesses and organisations are encouraged to sign a promise to "never use, excuse or remain silent about men's violence against women" on the Town Council premises.

The initiative is supported by Forest Green Rovers. Joseph Manns, Head of Women's football at Forest Green, said: "It's a desperately sad situation that we still need to discuss the issue of violence against women, or against anyone for that matter. However, some recent cases involving high-profile footballers have unfortunately proved that it's crucial we do so.

“Equality is a core value of our club, and we are committed to educating and developing our players and staff to be global citizens capable of supporting and influencing positive change in our communities.

"We salute the great work White Ribbon UK is doing and greatly look forward to the day this work will become unnecessary."

Stroud businesses can find out more about how to get involved by contacting Kate Buckingham at