WITH CHRISTMAS EVE falling on a Sunday, it raises questions about whether shops will be open  across town.

Volunteers from the Stroud and District Chamber of Trade and Commerce have been compiling a list with over 50 businesses open across the town. 

They encourage residents to eat, drink and be merry in Stroud this Christmas Eve and enjoy an extra day to buy Christmas treats and gifts.

Stroud District Council have agreed to open the London Road Multi-storey Car Park (Brunel Mall) on Christmas Eve, which remains free to use on Sunday along with its other car parks.

The Five Valleys Shopping Centre car park has also waived its parking charges during the day.

The list of businesses open can be found at - tinyurl.com/4w3ubj5t

Tony Davey, Chair of the Stroud and District Chamber of Trade and Commerce said: “With over 50 businesses across the town centre open on Christmas Eve, and free parking for those who need to travel by car, Stroud will be offering a great experience this Sunday.

"We encourage our communities to Think Local First this Christmas, and if you’re looking for excellent quality, thoughtful gifts that offer great value for money, or just an extra seasonal treat or two, head to your local town and support local jobs, local opportunities and your local economy.”