Climate change represents a real challenge impacting on our future wealth, health and well-being.

This is happening all too quickly.

Party politics leads to short term decision making with no long term planning or consistency in policy already adopted More honesty with accountability for mistakes would lead in my view to better government. Two issues immediately come to mind that may demonstrate the current position.

The first issue relates to our own M Ps comments on the state of the midwife service in the Gloucestershire area after the panorama programme was misleading.

Siobhan’s latest article finally acknowledges that there is a problem with retaining and bringing in new staff to the NHS.

To support her case she enlists the support of her fellow Tory Gloucestershire MPs and a few chosen GPs.

The poor handling of the pay talks by the government has not helped with the perception that nurses are valued.

Nurses have now voted with their feet.

The latest statistics suggests that 40,000 nurses have left the service over the past year with only 30,000 wishing to take up training as nurses or midwives.

I have a sister shortly aged 60 who will be retiring after 44 years in training and service; a nurse with her experience who will not be replaced.

The second issue is that current government likes to perpetuate the impression with the current chancellor’s statement that the Tories represent a safe pay of hands as far as finance is concerned.

Levelling up the country a key note policy for 2019 Tory manifesto suggests that money now being spent is being poorly managed.

With the Teeside Development Authority the two developers brought in to develop the land have amassed profits of £124 millions at virtually no cost to them with no benefit accruing to the public purse.

A lot of money has been wasted with PPI equipment acquisitions and loans and grants to businesses and individuals.

The government has so far done to little to recoup expenditure involving fraud.

This wastage has contributed to the national debt and has limited the ability to fund public expenditure.

The verdict may be out still be out for the labour.

The flip flopping over issues such as Gaza and climate change has been less than edifying.

I would hope that we have a government that will enhances the reputation of politicians.

A government is required to make unpopular decisions for the good of the country.

A good start might be to have an MP that represents all constituents, does not rely on photo ops and who is.

John Burra
