THE NEW mayor of Stroud has been revealed after a ceremony last night, Monday. 

In an uncontested election on Monday, May 13, independent candidate Tony Davey was unanimously voted in as the new mayor of Stroud Town Council.

Mr Davey ran unopposed for the mayoral position.

Taking his seat as chair of the first full council meeting for the newly elected town council, Mr Davey expressed his thanks for the position. 

He said: “I am looking forward to an exciting year ahead.

"No doubt it will be a challenging one in many ways, but we are ready for the task”.

Mr Davey is well known to residents of the town in his capacity as chair of the Stroud & District Chamber of Trade & Commerce, a role which he will be stepping back from at their AGM to take up the mantle of mayor. 

Stroud News and Journal: Tony Davey has been elected as mayor of StroudTony is also the Principal Balloon Decorator and manager at the well-known shop ‘Party On Up’, having semi-retired from a long career in Information Technology Business Leadership.

He is passionate about tourism and sustainable economic growth within the Stroud District and enjoys discovering the many local attractions and businesses in the area.

Mr Davey said: "I've loved Stroud since moving here in the 1970's and enjoy working with the businesses within our vibrant town.

"I have worked closely with the town council and other organisations with my work for the Chamber for over 5 years, and now hope to bring benefit to our wider town community, as part of the council."

Stroud News and Journal: Stroud Town CouncilSue Fenton, a Green Party representative, was elected as deputy mayor in an uncontested vote.

Ms Fenton is a freelance writer and editor who is passionate about Stroud’s stunning scenery and green spaces, as well as its environmental and social progressiveness.

Stroud News and Journal: Deputy mayor Sue Fenton and mayor Tony DaveyOf her previous terms as councillor Sue states that she enjoyed “councillors from different parties and none, working together amicably to reach consensus on what's best for the town.”

The quick and decisive votes indicate a broad consensus among the council members about the new leadership.

Mayor Davey and Deputy Mayor Fenton are both experienced councillors.

A co-option was also held to fill a vacancy for the Valley Ward seat on the council. Val Saunders, who also stands for the Green Party, was selected as the new councillor for that ward.

Councillor Saunders immediately took a place at the table of the full council meeting.