FOUR INSPIRATIONAL Stroud women were invited to afternoon tea in parliament after a competition by the local MP. 

Stroud MP Siobhan Baillie asked for nominations to find the women as part of International Women’s Day celebrations.

Clare Mahdiyone, Sue Tomlinson, Chrissie Lowery and Tara Marwaha all came to Westminster for the event with their plus 1s.

Clare was nominated by local people as she is on the board of Stroud Commonwealth and is an active member of Stroud Swift Group as well as being chief executive of Stroud Valleys Project. 

Sue was honoured for her work at the Independence Trust, her help running the tackling Stigma Group, chairperson of the Randwick revellers and help organising the panto.

Chrissie Lowery was nominated for her running of Safespace and The Night Angels that each helps keep women and girls safe in Stroud.

And Tara was recognised as a local chiropractor and the clinic director of the Lansdown Clinic in Stroud that holds a monthly breakfast club for local business owners to meet, chat and get ideas from each other.

Ms Baillie said: “I am usually rushing around in parliament so it was wonderful to stop for afternoon tea and spend time with a group of local people who I really admire. 

Stroud News and Journal: Clare, Sue, Siobhan, Chrissie, Tara.“So many Stroud women are unsung heroes in our communities and this was reflected in how many were nominated when I set up the project. I hope they and their plus ones had a great time."

Tara said: "It was such an honour to be nominated and be invited to Parliament.

"I am truly passionate about wellbeing in the community, spinal and women's health.

"As a women-led business in Stroud, I do think it is important to invest and empower the future generations of female leaders."   

Clare said: “It was a pleasure to visit the Houses of Parliament with three other inspiring women and have a chance to chat about how we all support people in Stroud.

"Being Siobhan’s guests gave us an opportunity to get an insight into the workings of parliament, especially for women.”

Sue: “I felt especially privileged to be recognised for the work I carry out on behalf of Rethink Mental Illness supporting people in our community.”

Chrissie said: “I was absolutely thrilled to be nominated as an inspirational woman of Stroud and visiting Parliament with the other nominees was incredible.

"Such a powerful and humbling experience which has hopefully built new friendships and networks.”

Two other nominees were also invited but could not attend. They were: Carol Harris who was nominated as a hard-working nurse at Stroud Hospital who also dedicates her spare time to cleaning the community.

And councillor Miranda Clifton from Cam Parish Council for her work on the management committee of Cam Woodfield Youth & Community Centre and other community work.