A LITTLE GIRL suffered cuts and grazes after broken glass was left on the slide of a playground in Stroud. 

Cainscross Town Council contacted the SNJ after some broken glass was left on the slide in the Victory Park playground.

A little girl suffered cuts and grazes before the glass was detected. 

The Clerk to the council said: “We are very proud of the playground which was renewed last year, and which has received fantastic feedback from the community. 

"There have been minor acts of vandalism, and any act of vandalism which spoils the enjoyment families get from using the playground is hugely disappointing.  

"But vandalism which presents danger to young children and their carers is considerably worse.

“We check our playgrounds and deal with any issues on a daily basis but, unfortunately, a little girl suffered cuts and grazes before the glass was detected.  

"This was awful for her and for her family. 

"We appeal to playground users to be vigilant and to report to us any incidents they see or any vandalism they find, especially where it poses a danger. 

"We are studying our CCTV footage to try and identify those responsible.”

Stroud District Councillor Dave Mathews said: "It's hard to believe that anyone would do this given the risk it poses for children.

"Our hearts go out to the injured girl and her family and we wish her a speedy recovery.

"This is precisely the kind of damaging antisocial behaviour my fellow Cainscross councillors and I have pledged to tackle and we will be working with our fellow councillors and the police to bring the matter to a swift conclusion. 

"We would urge residents to let the police know about any incidents they see as soon as they can by calling 101 or completing the online form."

A police spokesperson said: “We received a report that broken glass had been found within the play area of Victory Park in Stroud over the weekend.

“It was reported that the glass was found on a slide within the park on Sunday morning (12 May) and had caused cuts to a child using the play equipment.

“There is no suggestion that was a malicious act and the reporter was advised to contact the local council.

The council can be contacted on 01453 756036.