RECORD numbers of people turned up to enjoy the sun at Saturday's Oakridge School May Revels.

This year's circus-themed event was the 'biggest and best ever' say organisers, adding that the 'atmosphere was fantastic'.

The event included colourful face-painting and a fancy dress competition won by Phoebe Robinson (aged 6) and Di Chapman (age a secret).

The event was opened this year by May Queen Iris and May King Archie, and featured entertaining circus tricks from the Magnificent Mr Kai and music from harpist Morwenna and Cranham Orchestra.

The crowds were also treated to the now-traditional maypole dance, as well as a Basque BBQ, the largest-ever collection of raffle prizes, beers from Stroud Brewery, a massive tombola, loads of stalls selling plants, books, toys, cakes and bric-a-brac, and a whole field of games.

Stroud News and Journal: May 18 2024

Copyright Photographer Simon Pizzey 

Tug of War
Oakridge Revels, Oakridge Paraochial School Green.Revels 2024 brought old faces and new from Oakridge, Bisley, Chalford and other surrounding villages.

The Oakridge School Association, which organises the event, was particularly touched by the number of donations and raffle ticket purchases from the village this year.

The event made just over £4,000, breaking all previous records.

All images by Simon Pizzey.