A WOMAN from Stroud has shared how losing more than four stone has improved her health and confidence.

Beth Thomas started her weight loss journey with the Slimming World group in Nailsworth which is run by consultant Elaine Twinning.

Beth, who has lost 4st 4lbs, said: “I’d completely lost my self confidence as I gained weight.

“I didn’t like how I looked and would always try to be in the background rather than taking the lead.  

“I knew I had to make a change so I decided to join my local slimming world group.”

Beth says she soon got to grips with the group's eating plan making changes but was still able to enjoy her favourite foods.

She added: “My family really love the Slimming World lasagne, it's our go too for Sunday lunch!" 

Beth says as she lost weight her confidence started to return and now she takes an active role in the group each Saturday. 

She is also taking part in this year’s Race for Life raising money for Cancer Research, something that she never thought possible. 

Beth said: “I've got so much more energy to play with the kids and I've gone from having to use my asthma inhalers daily to barely using them at all!”

“It's been steady progress and I’m very pleased with what I’ve achieved so far and there's only another 7lb to lose to reach my target weight!”

Consultant Elaine Twinning said: “Our aim at Slimming World is to support our members to lose weight and live happier, healthier lives.

“I’m delighted to say that I’ve seen Beth blossom in the time she has attended my group. 

“She has gone from sitting quietly to being a confident member of the group involved in sharing tips with others.”

Stroud News and Journal: Slimming World group

Stroud News and Journal: Beth Thomas (left) who goes to the Slimming World group in Nailsworth has spoken out about her weight loss journey Beth Thomas (left) who goes to the Slimming World group in Nailsworth has spoken out about her weight loss journey (Image: Slimming World)