TEACHERS at Amberley Ridge School are so frustrated with continual power cuts that they are to invest in their own generator.

Since the end of November the school, which has 34 pupils, has been left without power five times.

And on one occasion the blackout lasted for 36 hours.

Following the latest cut, on January 11, site manager Peter Llewellyn (corr) said the school was planning to buy a generator for back-up.

"It's dangerous for the children if there's no heating or lighting and the alarm system doesn't work," he said.

"It's totally and utterly disruptive when it occurs because we then have to send the children home and we've got 25 children who board here.

"We've had compensation of £50 from Central Networks, but that's nothing compared to the cost - around £1,000 - to send children home in taxis let alone the disruption for their parents."

However when staff at the school complained to electric suppliers Central Networks they were told it could not guarantee the supply would be reliable in the future.

David McDonald, headteacher at the Rodborough Common school, which caters for primary children with special needs, said: "It's like we're living in the third world because we can't rely on the electricity supply.

"Because of the nature of the children we have here we need to maintain stability but when we're constantly having power cuts that is difficult."

Jonathan (corr) Smith, a spokesman for Central Networks, said: "Amberley Ridge School has experienced 10 power cuts over the last year, which is certainly above average.

"But it's essentially for many different reasons that the cuts keep occurring.

"It means there's little we can do other an respond as and when they occur.

"We do however recognise the problems it causes and can only apologise for that."

Residents in the Minchinhampton area were again left without electricity on Monday afternoon from 12pm until 3pm.

One angry resident said it was the third cut this month.

"It's a great inconvenience - especially in the cold winter months," he said.