A ROCK concert to raise funds for Archway's India visit will feature school band SubJustice and rhythm and blues band The Suspects.

The trip takes several students to India to help them learn about a different culture at first hand.

"They spend time with Indian children and do some work in the country," said Brian Oosthuysen, who has been in involved in the project since it began in 1988.

"For this visit, the kids will be attached to a fairly poor school near Delhi, doing decorative work on the school.

"The trip is about broadening the outlook of the kids and helping them develop inter-ethnic relationships.

"They do all sorts of the usual tourist things like elephant rides and visiting the Taj Mahal, but talking to them afterwards, they like meeting the Indian children the most."

The children who go have to pay, but there are various schemes to help those who could not otherwise afford to, such as this concert. The concert is on Saturday, February 4 from 8pm at the Trinity Rooms, Stroud.

Tickets are available from Kane's Records or Trading Post at £5 for adults and £3.50 for under 18s or £6 and £4.50 if they're bought on the door. AH