Charity shops across Gloucestershire are being encouraged to enter a ‘best window display’ competition, as part of a campaign to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.

The waste reduction challenge will take place from November 20th- 28th and local people will be invited to sign up to at least one of ten pledges aimed at reducing waste.

One of the pledges is to ‘take unwanted items to a charity shop’ and such shops are being challenged to create a window display during the week to illustrate a greener lifestyle and the reuse of goods. Simon Brown, Community Liaison Officer at Gloucestershire County Council said: “We will judge all the windows involved in the challenge and award a prize for the best display. We want lots of charity shops to take part and help us encourage people to take unwanted items that are in good condition to their local shop for reselling.”

Charity shops that wish to enter should email or call 01452 425325.

Full details of waste reduction week will be announced soon.