IT was a lovely summer morning for our July meeting, with the president - June welcoming everyone and giving out birthday flowers to Sylvia, Gill and herself.

The minutes of the meeting held on June 12 were read by the Secretary - Chris, and approved.

A letter had been received from our two visitors from Rodborough WI to say that they hoped to join us permanently in the New Year and to thank us for our hospitality and welcome.

A report had been received from Judy of Bisley and Thrupp WI who had attended the NFWI AGM at Cardiff.

The full report could be read in WI Life.

June asked those who were going on the visit to Westonbirt House on August 13 to make their way to the top carpark at Stroud Leisure Centre at 12.15 pm so that we could travel together.

If anyone has problems with this to contact June direct.

Members were reminded that there are still plenty of tickets for the WI Christmas Concert at Cheltenham Town Hall in December.

The treasurer, Gill - gave a brief financial summary of the recent Bring and Buy, Plant Stall and monthly secondhand book stall.

All of which were helping to boost our funds.

June went through the various notices and cut off dates and asked if anyone was interested in going to the Denman weekend in February to complete the form.

Our speaker, Mike Cooper gave a very interesting talk on the time he was a volunteer at both the Alabama Olympic Games in 1966 and in last years Olympics in London.

We were surprised to learn that he had to pay his own flights and accommodation to the former and he showed us his uniform for both events.

Mike entertained us with his experiences in a humerous and articulate way and made us all feel we were there ourselves.

He was asked if he thought he would volunteer for the next Olympics in Rio, but he felt this was unlikely due to his age. There will be no actual meeting in August as this will take the form of the outing to Westonbirt House, followed by a cream tea.

Members were reminded that the meeting on September 11 will be at our new venue - The Congregational Hall, Bedford Street, Stroud at 10.30 a.m.

All welcome.