Leonard Stanley Wine Circle: A very successful and enjoyable Burns night

A VERY successful and enjoyable Burns night was held on January 25, with a packed hall.

Chairman David welcomed everyone as well as two visitors, Barbara and Dave.

Apologies were received from Chris and Dave Camm.

He read out a thank you card from Noel Baker and we were all pleased that they had settled in and were happy in their new abode.

Eric Winnington was voted on as Vice President.

The evening started with delicious home made soup, followed by the addressing of the Haggis by Bob in Scottish traditional dress, accompanied by Andy – both of whom looked resplendent.

We enjoyed a Robbie Burns poem and the ‘killing’ of the haggis.

This was followed by the traditional haggis meal and delicious puddings.

Some members even had seconds!

David thanked all the ladies in the kitchen plus Phil for all their hard work and the ladies who made the puddings and last but not least all members who helped in putting up tables, table decorations etc. It was a great evening.

Next meeting is on Wednesday, February 22, at 7.30pm in the village hall when George Yiend will talk about Cider with Rosie.

Visitors welcome.