MADAM - I wish to explain how exciting I find the SDC Minchinhampton single-lane traffic-calming experiment.

What was a straight village road has been transformed to offer thrill-seeking journeys.

Most give-way vehicles wait for right-of-way vehicles and may wait many minutes.

Some spice it up by racing to beat the oncoming car: the smaller the gap, the closer they get to it, the faster they swerve at the last possible moment, the more they cause braking, the higher the adrenaline rush!

The game is somewhat distorted as size matters. The larger the give-way vehicle, the worse the right-of-way vehicle’s chance.

Juggernauts always win and right-of-way survival kicks in.

The SDC traffic team should join the game at busy times and see how they fare.

I have lived with this excitement for a year.

How long before the SDC realise the game is lethally flawed.

David Sanderson
