ON THE news that a decision on an Aldi in Stroud has been postponed due to IT problems.

Posted by Mister Champagne: If the SDC computer dealing with the council tax charges had a fault, does anyone believe for one minute that we’d be told there will be no charges until September, as that’s how long it will take to get it mended? We all know very well that that glitch would be sorted within a couple of days...or hours!

Posted by stroudrobbo: I thought I had now heard it all...come on SDC why do you treat the people of Stroud this way?? Do you really think we are all simple. Please just serve your people and give them what they really want..Aldi!

Posted by Pisces123: You just couldn’t make this up! SDC you are a joke and this is a complete farce! I would have thought that you could come up with a better excuse while you are waiting for the multi million pound redevelopment of Merrywalks. When is this going to happen ..... sometime? Never! Stroud wants Aldi but if you keep dithering, will Aldi want Stroud? Let’s just wait until we have yet another derelict site to showcase this area!!

Posted by Mister Champagne: These councillors and ‘officers’ are showing their absolute contempt for the people of Stroud by coming out with ever more ridiculous excuses for stopping a lower priced food store from opening. This store WILL particularly help lots of local people on tight budgets. WHY are councillors constantly, deliberately delaying it...and then being ‘economical with the facts’ at planning meetings? The whole of SDC needs a freaking good shake up. We need some new faces and minds in there, not the same tired old clique which blatantly ignores the views of the community they are supposed to represent.

On MP David Drew’s column entitled ‘Austerity is hindering our ability to help.

Posted by Salendine: What was the debt when Labour left office?

Posted by liam: The debt at the end of the last Labour government, largely due to trying to rescue the country from a global financial crisis, was £960 billion. It’s now estimated to be £1.7 trillion. Seems like cutting services is incredibly expensive. austerity has really cost a fortune.

Posted by Harry Wormwood: You’re confusing the budget deficit with the national debt. The national debt is unlikely to be reduced until the budget deficit is under control. Austerity has reduced the budget deficit significantly.

Salendine 8th July 10:23 pm Usual ignoring the facts from a Labour supporter. The deficit has reduced significantly. Every time a Labour government leaves office they do so with the coffers empty. What we need is jobs and tax revenues to fund public services. The Labour record on that score is not good.

Last Updated: 10th July 7:08 am Harry Wormwood 2 hrs ago .liam wrote: if you can’t look up the facts for yourself, the debt at the end of the last labour government, largely due to trying to rescue the country from a global financial crisis, was 960 billion. It’s now estimated to be 1.7 trillion. Seems like cutting services is incredibly expensive. austerity has really cost a fortune.

You’re confusing the budget deficit with the national debt. The national debt is unlikely to be reduced until the budget deficit is under control. Austerity has reduced the budget deficit significantly.

Old Frampton 9th July 12:03 pm Labour not only left debt and no money in the coffers but also mortgage new schools and hospitals with repayments due at high rates for the next 30 years. They also increased the size of the Public Services to reduce unemployment rates, had to pay for the Iraq war. etc. The current interest being paid on the National Debts runs into Billions and yet the Labour Party wants to borrow more! All it means is the Young Voters who love Labour will be saddle with higher interest payments on an ever increasing debt. Higher taxes to pay for it coming out of their pockets. Us oldies will be long gone but will be able to laugh at those gullible ‘Money Tree’ huggers.

Crow 9th July 5:03 pm Don’t knock the Iraq war; it made a lot of neoCons stinking rich!

Last Updated: 10th July 7:08 am